You have your wireless devices.  They work without any physical contact.  What it takes to connect them is intention.  Yes, you may have to configure a few buttons to allow two devices to communicate with each other, but once the connection is made, they merge and become as if one unit.  You are always ready to pair at a soul level.  Through intention, you can pair with the consciousness of another soul.  Intention is the key.  Focus holds the connection.  How do you configure the connection?  Know that consciousness is the wire that connects you with all souls.  Love is what binds you … the carrier wave.  Knowing this, and having set your intention, simply invite the connection.  “Come now so that I may feel you, sense you, become aware of your presence,” you may say or think.  It matters not whether spoken aloud or silently.  With soul to soul communication, the heart is the pairing device.  The brain is superfluous, for this soul to soul communication takes place whether in a physical body or not.  Do not let the brain get in the way of experiencing the pairing of two hearts.  Just be.  Wireless.  Ready to pair.