“I feel the earth move under my feet” … lyrics to a song you
know, and useful for our lesson today. 
Normally, you do not feel the earth move, yet in actuality, your earth
is rotating quite rapidly.  It appears as
if the sun rises and sets, yet scientifically you know this is not so.  It is all an illusion.  Movement is not from here to there.  This is an illusion as well.  Your entire reality is blinking on and off so
rapidly that it appears as movement.  You
are blinking on and off so rapidly that you appear as solid.  The joke is on all of you, so we advise you
not to take yourselves so seriously. 

We are not heartless in saying this.  Quite the contrary.  The true heart of you does not blink on and off
or beat one-two, one-two.  It is a
steady-state condition.  We speak not of
the physical heart, but that innate essence that is You.  Could you feel the earth move beneath your
feet, your experience of reality would be completely different.  Could you feel that you are the Love you
seek, your life would be transformed. 
May you experience an inner earthquake and awaken to who and what you
are beyond the illusions.