“Oh, must I do that again?” you moan inside,
feeling a bit put out by your responsibilities. 
A part of you would like nothing better than to sit in a chair and be
pampered.  That is ego, grouchy fellow
that he can be.  You are here in physical
form not to stagnate, but to grow—to help the soul evolve.  Every experience and every interaction with
another soul becomes a growth opportunity. 
Yes, it is good to rest.  Balance
is critical, but when your responsibilities bring out less than loving thoughts
and feelings within you, all it takes to improve your attitude is a simple
shift in perspective.   Instead of, “Must
I do that again?” you think to yourself, “I am so grateful for this opportunity
to practice being Love.” 

What does an
enlightened being do after becoming enlightened?  Chop wood, carry out the trash, and be the very presence
of Love.