Let’s Make a Deal.  Do
you remember that show on your television? 
A great prize sat behind Door #1 or #2 or #3.  If you guessed wrong, perhaps you won a
cow.  If you guessed correctly, perhaps a
car.  And so, you now think that all of
life is like that.  You must wheel and
deal and guess correctly to win the prize or be left with something of little
Life is not a game.  Have we ever used this analogy?  A play, a drama, perhaps; a school, most
definitely, but not a game.  All are
winners, for all learn from the lessons. 
It is your human mind that makes a car more valuable than a cow.  When you can gaze upon all three doors with great
excitement rather than with dread or worry, knowing that the value in what lies
behind each one is all in your mind, then you have truly discovered the prize.