Energy pulses in rhythmic beats
Into eternity the cycle repeats
Beating onward like a drum
With a mighty, endless hum

It marches in step to every wish
Like a flock of birds, a school of fish
That move together as a whole
Thinking only with the soul

How do they know which way to turn?
From the push that makes them yearn
To make their movements as a group
Swimming in circles, flying in a loop

But man is not so much in tune
In his methods there’s more room
For freedom comes from his free will
Allowing him to move or be still

And yet the pulse that guides the birds and fish
Will guide man if he makes a wish
It lies within, and all throughout the air
You cannot see it, but it is there

This force that guides all life you can’t measure
But if you could, all men it would treasure
For it’s the source of all creation
Guiding every man and nation

It has been there for all time
Immeasurable, yet so sublime
Tap into it and let it flow
Then all power you will know

Enough to make you sit in awe
For it is God, the one great Law