Be as a child; this we say.
Go out this day, have fun, and play.
Too much time you spend inside.
It’s as if you want to hide.
But sun and light are good for you.
As is clean grass that’s wet with dew.
Get back to nature; get outdoors
Even when the rain it pours.
For this is when you truly see
How it feels to be set free.
This, my friend is your true state.
So find it now—get out¬¬–don’t wait!
Take a walk, go on a hike.
Go for a swim, or ride a bike.
Your soul it longs to reconnect
With natural things–this please respect.
For this is where you do belong.
It’s God’s clean air that keeps you strong.
So while you play, please raise your eyes
And send your thanks toward the skies.