We speak so often of your trials and challenges, but today we speak of joy. Be childlike in your actions and your thoughts. Children know best how to express joy, for they have not yet accepted the false beliefs and negative thought patterns that take you away from being your loving Self.
What is joy, but the celebration of Life itself. Joy is the natural state of the spirit, for the spirit knows itself as pure love. How could you not be joyful knowing this? And so, in this season when you celebrate the birth of one who knew the truths of the spirit, be joyful yourself. Set aside your worries and your cares. Go inside and find the joyful child. Be as the child: smile, laugh, run, and play. Be joyful and alive, then know that this is what Life is truly about, for Life is all there is.
Life is not the body. The body has a beginning and an end. But you as spirit here and now have no beginning and no end. You as spirit are fully alive. Knowing this, rejoice! Share your joy with another today and see how joy is contagious, for joy does go hand-in-hand with love, and Love is what you are.