Simple pleasures make you smile.
It takes not a lengthy while.
Simply gaze upon a child’s face
Or give to a baby an embrace.

Instantly you feel connection –
A sudden inner recollection
That this is why you’ve come to earth,
Why to you was given birth …

To feel within your heart and soul
The love of Life – this is your role.

If through your days you simply walk
And feel not love, but merely talk
Of mundane things that lack emotion
Then you’ll not understand devotion.

Devotion comes when you awaken
And like a pill with water taken
Do digest why you are here.
Then suddenly it all comes clear:

You’re here to be that which you are –
A spark if God, a shining star.
His love to feel and radiate –
This is the task put on your plate.

Do your job and do it well
And you will exit from the Hell –
The Hell of knowing not the treasure
Of the love inside that’s beyond measure.