If you could step outside the role you have accepted for yourself, how
your life would change. Do you not
realize that you are play-acting? Are
you dissatisfied with your life? Who or
what would you like to be or be like?
Why does another have the attributes you admire? They have agreed to take on that role they
play. Think of a being you admire and
adopt their role for a minute or an hour.
Play with this in your mind. That
is where your role exists—in your mind.
Do you want to be a bohemian with no cares, a teenager young at
heart? You cannot change the physical
body in an instant, but the thoughts and emotions and the experiences that
follow these are under your control.
Loosen your role and play. That is
how you play God.
heart? You cannot change the physical
body in an instant, but the thoughts and emotions and the experiences that
follow these are under your control.
Loosen your role and play. That is
how you play God.