There is no dress rehearsal. 
There is only the performance.  “But
what if I mess up my lines?”  Then you
have a choice:  You can slink off stage
and sit behind the curtain as the play goes on without you, or you can hold your
head high and realize that you are needed on stage.  Others make mistakes as well.  Fear not. 
All are on the same stage.  No one
is watching only you.  It is all one
interactive show.  Play your role to the
best of your ability, and if you do not like the role you have chosen, change
it.  Have a chat with the Director if you
need some guidance, then get back on stage and try out your new lines.  Make them up as you go along in this play we
call “Leela.”

Note from Suzanne:  After typing
up this message, I googled “Leela” – According to the Hindu belief, “Leela is
the playful nature of Supreme Consciousness. 
The play is beginningless as well as endless.”  May your play be a wonderful adventure.