Why do people travel long distances to stare at mountains?  It is not just the visual pleasure that arises, it is the sense of power and majesty that is felt.  You innately know that you are part of something so much grander than the limited self.  You know that such sights as mighty oceans, soaring peaks, fields of flowers, and rushing streams are not accidents.  Now hold out your hand.  Such a perfect tool.  Look deep inside and follow the veins and arteries.  Such perfect highways.  You know this is not an accident.  Perfection abounds and surrounds you.  Now can you relax?  It is human nature to focus on those things that aren’t perfect, those parts that break down or break off and fail to see the underlying beauty, the blueprint, dear ones.  You are in good hands.  Just breathe and trust. 

You are so very loved, and at the deepest levels You know This.