Yin YangWhat is perfection, but a state of Wholeness. Where do you find Wholeness? In Unity Consciousness. It is the rare human being who knows himself as All That Is all the time, fully aware of his wholeness, and so he strives and strives for perfection, following the nudge ever onward, ever upward toward perfection. At times he touches upon it, and then slips back to his humanity. And it is all perfect! Why? Because God is All That Is, and you are an aspect of that.

You are having this incarnation as a human for the myriad experiences it offers you. If you were to remain in the State of Perfection, fully united with the State of Oneness, there would be no more growth for the Whole from you. Do you see why you are here? To learn and grow as a result of your beautiful so-called imperfections.

Perfection exists … at the Center of All That Is. The perfect human being is the one who recognizes that he is imperfect and rejoices in that fact. One day you will return to Perfection permanently. For now, acknowledge your perfect imperfection and use it to truly experience life and fulfill your purpose. Dive right in and LIVE, knowing that imperfection is part and parcel of growing and learning as you work your way back Home.