Monkey mind.  This is what you call the incessant chatter.  It is part of ego’s ploy to keep you trapped in the apparent separation you perceive from others and the drama inherent in being human.  Always focused on the past, the future, and your many relationships.  There is one relationship that will bring peace to the forefront amid any drama, and that is your innate connection with the Higher Self, your true nature.  There is no need for any chatter when communing with the Self, for it truly is the higher aspect of you in an apparent body.  Focus inward instead of outward and for a moment the chatter stops.  Focus on what you knew as a baby before words and concepts formed, if only for a moment.  What was it you knew innately?  Here I AM.  No one had to teach you this.  It is through the human teaching that you lost awareness of the most peaceful, still part of you.  And no wonder!  The world “out there” is fascinating!  Turn your fascination inward now, however, and you will find that the silence is not boring at all, but the well of peace so many are seeking.