You become discouraged
when you see how many people exist and how few of them seem to think as you do,
love as you do.  Is it all in vain, you
wonder?  And now we ask you to think of
the human body yet again as an example. 
Trillions of cells run around in the body, some bumping into each other,
others never meeting, yet each of them playing a role.  Yes, the body could live without you, but you
exist for a reason:  to add to the whole.

As above, so
below.  Do not concern yourself with the
health of every other cell.  There is one
Consciousness overseeing all of that. 
Concern yourself with your own health, your spiritual, mental,
emotional, and physical health.  May it
be as strong as possible, as balanced as possible.  In so doing, you bring health to the whole in
your own way. 
You may not feel the
effects of this now, but do not concern yourself with this.  There is a reason that you care whilst others
may not.  Simply trust and soldier
on.  All is well as long as you “are,:
and trust this as well:  You will always “be.”