The cat’s out of the bag.  What does this mean?  Some great secret you have been holding inside is now out and running about.  Cats do not like to be enclosed in a bag.  They will kick and scratch and hiss and do anything to be let loose.

You have a great cat held within you trying very hard to be let out, but it is not kicking, hissing, or biting.  It is the fact that you are not your story.  It is your True Nature, just waiting to be let out.  It can be ignored only so long, but when it is time for you to truly awaken, then it starts stirring enough that you can no longer ignore it.

Let the cat out of the bag.  Extend your love to the world.  It is ego who hisses and scratches and will come back to bite you.  Love is pure gratitude, pure love, pure joy.  Let it out, why don’t you.