What is it that fills you with fear?  What causes you panic and causes you to utter the words, “I have to _______ right now!”?  And what is the “or else” that follows this phrase?  Why is this seemingly true for you, but not for others?  Why do others not panic in the same situation, in the same dynamic?  What is a dynamic?  An interplay that occurs time and again between two or more entities.  What is the dynamic at work in your belief system that is causing fear to rise up and overtake your awareness that you are a soul playing a role?  What is the dynamic that is causing you to identify with the role instead of the soul?  Fear is a great teacher.  Catch yourself when fear causes you to react irrationally, or to overreact, or to act in any way that is less than peaceful and/or loving.  Ask higher consciousness to show you the “why” behind your reactions, and you will be well on your way to healing yet another aspect of the self with a small s, leading you to reclaim your rightful Power as a soul, never forgetting the difference between human power and the indescribable Power of being the Light.