You got through the holidays. Of course you did. And how are you feeling? If you will be very kind to yourself and examine closely your thoughts, you will understand why you are now feeling peaceful or as if you had been beaten and battered. You do not need to suffer. At any time, you can step outside of the role that you, the soul, have chosen to play and watch yourself playing the role from the soul’s perspective. “Isn’t that interesting,” you may say as, from this higher perspective, you become aware of how many of your thoughts drag you down and how few uplift you. “But I can’t control my thoughts,” you say, for they seem to arise unbidden. This is accurate to a point, but there comes a point when what comes up is like the clothing in a washing machine going round and round and round. At this point, just by noticing them you can hit the pause button and cause a positive change. Get to work, dear soul, and find that you are already whole.
You are so very loved.
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