When you have regrets, go back
to the point when you made your decision. 
Recreate that moment.  Step into
it.  What was your heart telling
you?  Feel it now.  How did it feel?  Can you feel the tightness that radiates to
the gut?  And you ignored it, did you not?  If you cannot feel that tightness as you go
back in time, then travel up to your head. 
Your thoughts were racing, were they not?  There was great excitement, causing hormones
to flood your system and overcome the heart’s built-in advisory system.

Ah yes, regrets.  All can be traced back to ignoring the body’s
built-in advisor, which is intimately connected to the soul.  The soul is always willing to advise you if
you will only stop and listen.  But then,
once you listen, you then must decide whose guidance to follow, the lower self
or the higher. 

What wise teachers you
have!  If you wish to have no regrets, be
a good student.  Listen to your teachers
and do as they say.