You look to others for approval. You gauge their facial expressions, their posture, and most certainly their words. But what if they had no change in reaction ever? What if their countenance remained serene with a gentle smile? Would you not feel loved and appreciated? At first the human aspect of you would be a bit thrown off. How do I know if they like what I am saying or doing? If they agree? And the soul would know: it does not matter. And then perhaps the human aspect would know that it is loved no matter what at a soul level. Of course this does not mean that you can run off and do harm. It is the human aspect that runs amok when it is unaware of its higher nature. When your thoughts and actions come from the soul nature, you cannot harm another. Work diligently to allow your true nature to be the aspect on display, and soon it will be second nature. You are so very loved.
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