You don’t have to do it all.  Anything you feel you must do that fills you with fear, know that you never do it alone.  All you need do is show up.  Your angels will be there with you.  They always are.  Imagine if others could see you.  They would say, “Why, there is so much light around you!  What a crowd you brought!”  And in that knowing, you can relax and allow your team of helpers to work through you.  Do you see how simple it is to simply show up and breathe?  Put a smile on your face and just do it.

Note from Suzanne:  Sanaya proved their words today in a magical way.  I went to search for a photo to accompany their message with no idea of what to use for a search term.  Without even asking, I heard Sanaya say, “Search for ‘happy’.”  The accompanying photo was at the top of the search results, showing a woman with lights and orbs surrounding her!  Absolute perfection!  We are never alone, my friends!