There is quite a difference between considering yourself alone and all-one.  Only from the human bottom-up viewpoint can you hold the false belief that you are alone.  This is a lonely place to be if this is your sole focus vs your soul focus.  Otherwise, it is beneficial to be alone, for sitting thus, with no distractions from others with bottom-up views, then you come to know you are far more than human.

When your focus switches to the top-down awareness of the soul, then you come to know you are the love you seek.  From this top-down focus, you experience yourself as the Light and can understand how like a prism, the Light is projected into limitless aspects of itself—billions and billions of rays:  some of them you and your family and friends in the physical world and friends you have not yet met, yet all of them family as Light-beings.  Other rays are loved ones in the astral realm.  Others are guides, angels, masters, and beings in other realities.  Other rays are trees, birds, flowers, and everything imaginable . . . all that is, and all of it rays of Light, pure Consciousness, Love.

As you sit and experience this expansion of the self, you realize the Light cannot truly be separated.  It is all “just” Light, and you are that.  Suddenly you understand that all-one-ness can be both alone and bursting with fullness, and it is impossible to ever again feel lonely or unloved.  Bottom-up viewpoint vs. top-down.  You choose from moment to moment.


Note from Suzanne:  Please check out the new interactive page that will follow the progress of my soon-to-be-released book, Still Right Here, at