A potted plant drops to the ground …
Perhaps a picture off the wall.
How can solid objects
Without pushing take a fall?

For you are not alone, my friend
Your loved ones are not dead.
They give a nudge across the veil
Or stand there by your bed.

Such a thin veil separates you,
If only you could see.
It’s your job once they have passed
To learn to simply BE.

“Be what?” you say.
“Please help me come to know.
For I don’t understand at all
Just why they had to go.”

And that’s the point:  They are not gone,
Just gone now from your sight.
But in the stillness of your mind
They visit you at night.

So learn to silence all the talk.
Practice BE-ing with the breath,
And soon you’ll come to know again
There really is no death.