Your brain is the perfect instrument for operating in the
physical world.  It filters out the vast
amount of information in which you are immersed which you do not need to
function.  Your consciousness is then
free to focus on what you choose to make important.  Do you see the difference?  Your consciousness does not reside in the
brain.  If it depended upon your brain,
then you would cease to exist upon the death of the body.  But consciousness is eternal.  Use it wisely or use it frivolously.  The choice is up to you.  As a result of your choices, you suffer or
find peace.  Do you see the perfection
here as well?  No one outside of you
makes you suffer.  Yes, we hear you balk
at this phrase, but be honest with yourself. 
Suffering is a choice.  When you
can use your consciousness to rise above the level of the human and the brain
where duality rules, then you come to a place of neutrality, where love has no
opposite.  You are that love now.  The ignorance of this fact is the root of all