Misunderstandings.  They are
exactly as the word implies, yet do you not often allow them to dictate your
relationships and your behaviors?  It is
quite simple for two human beings to misunderstand each other.  Your language is an imperfect form of
communication, and keep in mind that where there are two human beings there are
two perspectives.  And so you enter into
agreements and situations with another expecting them to understand your
perspective and your words exactly as you intended them.  When the other does not and the resultant
behavior or outcome is not as you envisioned or desired it, there is often
anger and condemnation.  In some cases
you cut off a relationship or do other such things which hurt yourself as much
as the other.  We are simply attempting
to shed a bit of light on things and to show you that if you rise above the
human interaction and see that all that matters is loving each other, perhaps
you could see why things have turned out as they have.  Better yet, how they might turn out if you turn
the other cheek.