Hansel and Gretel—two fairy tale figures who lived in the woods. Brother and sister in a gingerbread house. Is this fantasy? No more fantasy than buying into the illusion that you are powerless to create your environment. If you wished to live in a house of gingerbread you could do so, such is your creative power. “But it would not last!” you cry. And this is so, were you to cease creating, but understand that creation never ceases—ever. Should the rains come, you would erect a tarp or barrier atop your special house. Should animals come to feed on the walls, you would build a fence, or better yet, disassemble the house and let the animals feed.

“Such a silly story today,” you say, but is it? Is not your life one constant act of creation? You have a thought … a crazy idea. You turn this thought into an image in your mind, and then you do go forth and create a physical manifestation of this thought-image. Do you not see that all that surrounds you, including your very body, did arise from the very same process? You are as your Creator. What will you create today? Mind your thoughts carefully, for they have more power than most of your brothers and sisters are aware.