There are so many things you do not know, because they remain hidden to the physical senses. Do ions in the air affect the body? Do magnetic rays hold an influence over you? These and other questions are debated. Experience provides the answer. How do you feel? This is often the most reliable test. Does a magnet on the wrist make you feel better? Does a salt lamp in your room provide peace? Some might scoff. Again we ask, how do you feel? Is it a placebo effect or is it real?
Go back to the Source of all things: Consciousness. All is in the mind. Consciousness is all there is. If an inert brick by your side produces peace, then keep the brick at your side. It is your consciousness which creates the peace. It is you who creates peace. Yes, of course there are outside influences upon the physical body, so take advantage of these if you will. Ultimately, it all comes back to the mind. Mind your feelings well and find peace within.