The seeing eye dog …
man’s best friend with an important role: 
to act as the physical eyes of one who cannot see, to warn of dangers,
and protect its master.  Whilst there is
a master-servant relationship, do you not see that the two are also bonded by

You have within you a
Seeing Eye.  It guides you through the
darkness when you know not which way to turn. 
It keeps you out of trouble, nudging you ever so gently and at times a
bit forcefully urging you to act when you are in danger.  This Seeing Eye is a source of unconditional
love that goes with you everywhere.  How
often do you praise it, thank it, give it strokes, and acknowledgment?  It will remain at your side through thick and
thin, asking little in return, but a little acknowledgment and gratitude are
quite appreciated. 

Were it not for this
Seeing Eye, you would stumble far more often. 
Be not blind to your helper—this connection to the one who guards the
light within.  Spend time getting to know
it.  We daresay it will become your
greatest, most trusted companion.