If you’ve listened to my Radiant Heart Meditation (a free download on my website), you will know the ethereal sounds of musical genius and Emmy award winning composer Jim Oliver.  Ty and I had the great pleasure of spending the last two days with Jim and his lovely, spirit-filled wife, Jann, at their beautiful pueblo-style home in Santa Fe.  Ty will provide more photos and details about our time together in his blog within a few days.

Trained as a classical organist, Jim has the amazing ability to “multi-task,” using both hands and feet to play multiple keyboards and pedals simultaneously.  Add to that his clear connection with higher consciousness, and the result is a divine experience that goes beyond listening to total sensory immersion in higher vibrations.

While together, Jim blessed me and all future listeners with the honor of co-creating a new
meditation in his recording studio.   I received the content of the meditation from Sanaya while flying back to Ty from a conference this past week.  The guidance provides a simple method of connecting with higher consciousness to receive answers to one’s personal questions.  It concludes by setting the intention of having a personal experience of knowing oneself as Love during the meditation. 

Jim read through the words I planned to use to know what our intention was for the session.  We then joined hands and affirmed that our work would serve the highest good and reach those it was meant to assist on their journey. 

Unlike the “old me” who would have simply read through a script, as Jim began playing his Spirit-guided tones, I entered the same expanded state and allowed my words to flow in harmony with the music.  The result left me covered with “Truth shivers” as the notes and words blended seamlessly.  When the spoken portion of the meditation finished, Jim continued to play, allowing his hands to be guided for another ten minutes.  This free-flow will allow listeners to remain in their own special place until ready to return to waking consciousness. 

When the last note faded away, we both bowed to each other with our hands in prayer position in acknowledgment of the sacredness of the moment.  We had only needed one “take” for our intention to be met.

I will be sharing our new “Making the Connection” meditation for the first time at my “Making the Connection” weekend retreat at Unity Village” (Unity world headquarters) in Kansas City July 10-13.  If you can join me there, I know it will be a special time.  If you’re unable to be there, I will make the meditation available as a free download on my website after that weekend.  Until then, be well, and be guided always.  You are never alone.