Mickey Mouse is one of your cartoon figures, created by a man of great vision—a man who had an idea and allowed it to grow into an empire. This Walt Disney created a kingdom, did he not? A magic kingdom where happiness reigns, filled with laughter, and joy, and colorful characters that make children smile. All of this from one little mouse.
“That is a Mickey Mouse concept,” you sometimes hear, and in this case, the term is a bit derogatory, meaning small and somewhat silly. Do you see how ideas take on their own lives? They begin as seeds of consciousness and grow, depending upon how they are nurtured along the way by all of the interconnected minds that handle this seed of an idea.
Do you not see now how the kingdom truly does lie within? Will you birth Mickey Mouse ideas as silly and inconsequential, or as grand creations which go on to produce joy, laughter, and love in your world? It truly is a magic kingdom when you use the magic wand within your limitless mind and create miracles.