Butterflies are free, and so can you be, when you are ready to cease thinking, “But I am only human.”  The human is a role.  It is the same old story of the caterpillar and the butterfly.  As long as you identify with the caterpillar, you are not free.  Are you ready to fly?  See your great potential.  Know what you are headed towards, dear butterfly, and then simply be that lovely creature.  You need not die to shed your skin, but it is necessary to leave certain beliefs and identifications by the wayside.  Shed the caterpillars “skin” so to speak – the beliefs and fears and habits that weigh you down so much that you cannot take off and fly free.  Yes, it is an old analogy, but a perfect one.  The butterfly will never forget where it came from, but once it learns to fly, there is no going back.