Lucid dreaming.  This is a state in which you know there is another reality, yet you choose to experience the dream instead.  Could this not be what you are doing now as a human in this world … awake and participating in this world, yet aware there is another world?  In a lucid dream, you go here and there, not with complete control of the events around you, yet still participating actively.  It is the same for you on Earth as a human.  What if you knew how much you could work with the dream?  No, you cannot control it totally, for there are so many other dreamers also interacting with you, but you can certainly have more dominion than you may currently be aware.  Be aware!  Your thoughts are your greatest tool.  Harness them and use them to your benefit instead of letting them run amok as they do in nonlucid dreams. Yours is a world of infinite possibilities playing out.  Which ones will you play out?  You are so very loved.