The fruit on the branches hangs low—so low you can pluck it with no struggle.  “Low hanging fruit”—an expression you have for those things in life which are easy to harvest and well at hand.  God is like that—there all around you waiting to be harvested.    This may sound strange to you if you see God only as a being in human form.  If this is so, you are missing the low-hanging fruit. 

Reach out and pluck a cherry, a peach, an apple, a pear.  God is there.  Pet a puppy, smell a flower.  God is there.  View the sunrise, marvel at the stars.  God is there.  God is all that you see—not limited like the human being.  Form and formless, shape and shapeless, in every crack and cranny, in every empty space.  There is nowhere that God is not.  In every cell?  Yes, indeed.  In every breath you take, every step you make, every thought you create.

Reach out and touch the face of God in one you love today.  Take your hand and caress your own face.  God is Love, and now you are expressing your Godliness.  You do so every time you kiss, laugh, speak, and cry.  May they be tears of joy.  If not, know that God cries with you as you grow and learn together … as One, ripening on the vine in the sunshine of God’s love.