Worship.  You know this word as one you save for your
deities as well as for those you love dearly. 
You hold them higher than yourself in not only great esteem but a bit of
awe.  Do you know that no one being is
better than another, whether in human form or not, for all are of the same
Source Energy. 

If you are to worship
anyone or anything, then worship yourself. 
Ah, immediately ego puffs us and smiles, but it is not this aspect of
the being to which we refer.  Worship the
fact that you exist, that you live, that you are aware.  This is the eternal self that exists in all
of nature.  You are Love, itself, walking
about in a body for a while, but with or without the external covering you are
worthy of worship.  You need do nothing
to earn it, but the more you can express and be the presence of Love, the more
you will understand your true, innate value.
We love you so.  Can you do the same for yourself?