Demands on your time pull you this way and that.  You know this feeling so well.  But are they truly demands?  Who is doing the demanding?  Is it some external boss or is it a bossy voice within?  The true Boss does not demand anything.  If you are feeling bossed around, you are allowing something or someone other than the one true Voice to run your life.  What is most important in this time you have in a body:  to get things done or to experience and express Love?  What will you take with you when you leave this body?  What changes can you take to find more balance in your life so that you experience the fullness of being human and express the fullness of your true nature?  Ah yes, that’s the challenge that you as a soul willingly accepted.  Shine on, beautiful soul, but answer to no boss, save the Heart. 

You are so very loved.