Pay attention to your discontent. It is trying to tell you something. “But I don’t want to do that,” you say. “I don’t want to go there.” Could there be a lesson underneath all that angst? Could this be why your soul came here? Listen well: we are not speaking of doing things that are dangerous, harmful, or hurtful. But what of those other things that your soul knows you can do, in fact, came here to do, but you, the human, are holding back out of fear, doubt, discomfort, insecurity, and any number of ego’s other ploys to keep you from stepping fully into your godliness? Do not push yourself. Ego likes that. Simply see the soul-ego dynamic playing out and choose the path of love. Be gentle and compassionate with your human side that is afraid, and then dissolve into True Nature. Fall back as if onto a feather bed that will catch you, like angels’ wings, totally supported, and ask, “What do I need to know to move forward and shine?” You are so very loved.
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