All human beings have frailties.  Some turn to drink to handle their problems.  Some lash out.  Some retreat into a shell.  All of these are coping mechanisms.  How do you cope alone?  Poorly, do you not?  It is in the reaching out that you find support, for always will you be guided toward a source of love—the healing balm.  This love lies always inside you, but at times it takes another to show you this truth.
Turn to another not in anger, not in fear, not as a crutch, but as a way-shower.  Let someone outside of yourself show you that you are not alone.  Once this recognition registers in your soul, the part of your soul that has lain hidden will stir.  Cultivate this feeling as you experience it.  Given acknowledgment, it will flourish.  Then you will know that friends and support systems or not, you are never alone.