Give yourself the gift of patience. You are much harder on yourself than on others. You are a work in progress—a true work of art. God is molding you bit by bit with loving care. You want to rush the job and reach perfection now. Would you rush the artist? Would you tell the sculptor to put a little tuck there, tell the painter to dab a little paint there? Perhaps you would.

Your life is, indeed, a collaborative effort, but who has the greater picture? Who is unencumbered by duality—by ups and downs, highs and lows, and all of the other human experiences? You bring much to the Artist’s studio, but do you really want to hold all of the brushes?

Do you remember painting with your fingers … dipping into the gooey mess of color and simply swirling about wherever the spirit moved you? Relax, my friend, and let Spirit move you today. Be loose. Be guided. Swirl about with joy, for you are being perfectly crafted, even if all is not yet perfect in your eyes.