All things in moderation. 
You have heard this before.  “Oh,
how boring,” you think, and we ask you to reconsider.  You enjoy the highs, whether they be
physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual, but what of the lows?  Remember the pendulum.  As high as it swings in one direction, it
will swing back the other way.  This is
the Law in your world of duality.

“But who wants to stay only in the middle?” you ask, and we
tell you that you need not.  We are
merely advising awareness of moderation. 
In the middle is peace.  The farther
you wander from the middle in either direction is a greater degree of
agitation, good or bad.  As you remain
centered in a state of peace, feel the love. 
The love is always there along the entire spectrum.  That is what all beings ultimately seek but
cannot feel as long as they swing too far to the extremes.  Simply remember that you control the
swing.  Play with it until you find just
the right balance.