Be mindful of your words, whether written or
spoken.  Keep in mind that many who read
or hear what comes from your lips or pen will not think in terms of you, the
source of the words, but of themselves. 
This is the human way.  And so,
they can easily take offense or take blame, or feel hurt or worried, or any of
the many ego/fear-based human reactions. 
This is not your worry, but if you are mindful that others are apt to
think of the self, you can choose your words in such a way so as not to feed
their fears. 

You see, the real issue is that they do not think
of the true Source of all words and thoughts, and they do not realize that they
are also an aspect of that Source.  If
they realized this, they would never feel lesser, insecure, or unworthy.  Until they do, you can help matters by seeing
all from the perspective of the higher self in all that you do and all that