Step out with no fear
You walk with too much trepidation.
We will make the way clear
So that you walk with no hesitation.
It’s easy to trust when you see.
Where, we ask, is the challenge in that?
But if you truly desire to fly free
You will see with the eyes of a bat.
This creature knows not where it goes.
If flies with the sole sense of feel. 
By sensation alone the bat knows
And in this way its guidance is real.
What if you were to fly in this way?
Can you see how your life would be changed?
With great trust you would step out and play
From true guidance no longer estranged.
Surrender and trust are the keys.
Yet these do not come without cost
When the ego you no longer please
Then false separation is lost.
Not a bad thing to find you were wrong.
And for years you did struggle alone
That the guidance was there all along
You are free now that this truth it is known.