woman-570883_640You teach your children to have an inside voice and an outside voice.  Do you know you have an inside Self and an outside one as well?  Human and spirit.  Which do you show to the world?  It is not either/or.  Both are there at all times.  If one were the inside voice and the other the outside, which voice would be which?  Do you shout your love to the world or keep it a whisper?  That still small voice within is ready to be turned up and heard.  “Release me!  Take me outside!  Let’s go play.  I have been cooped up too long,” it might say.  You have learned not to speak loudly in churches and libraries, and it is true:  there is a time and a place for holding back, but isn’t it time to set your Self free more often?  What are you waiting for?  Turn your inside out.