Do not underestimate the power of fields. These are areas of energetic influence that hold specific patterns of behavior, thoughts, and experiences. You would know your own field as your aura. As a field of energy, yourself, you are constantly intermingling with the fields of others. This interaction is so ordinary that you may not be aware of the intermingling until you merge with the field of one who is not familiar to you. For those with whom you merge regularly, you may well pick up on their emotions and desires so easily that you mistakenly believe their thoughts and desires are your own. Focus will help with your discernment. Why might you want to act out in anger when there is no reason? Perhaps it is not “your” anger. “Not my pain,” is a most excellent phrase to repeat when influenced by rogue waves. Now radiate compassion and focus on the one Field from which all fields arise. This, dear one, you may choose to call Love.
You are so very loved.
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