You swaddle a baby in your arms and pull it close to your chest.  There your hearts do beat as one.  Is this not one of the greatest joys a human can enjoy?  This is a connection that takes you back to that place from which you came.  You feel this connection, for the tiny baby is so fresh as a human being that the spirit is fully able to be felt.  The vibrations which emanate from a baby are pure and clear.  These are the vibrations of love.  With these vibrations, your soul will always resonate. 
You hold a child to the chest—the seat of the soul—and the spirit awakes.  It rejoices to feel this vibration of its home, in some cases so long buried under layers of acquired humanness.  Have you no baby to hold at the present time?  Simply wrap your arms around yourself and greet the pure spirit inside with love.  Do this, and you will feel a stirring.  Do this.  It is the soul awakening.  Do this often, and you will find a wholly (holy) new attitude with which to greet the day.