You wish to defend yourself. 
We are not speaking of the physical, although the reasons why you would
do so are the same.  We are speaking of
the sense of defensiveness that arises when some other says something that you
perceive as untrue, hurtful, or not supportive of your views.  What are you defending?  Your status, your power, your integrity, your
so-called rights.  All of these are of
the ego and not of the spirit.  To the
ego, all of these are all-important.  To
the spirit, they matter not a whit.

When you feel indignation rise, catch yourself and
smile.  Smile at how good it will feel
when ego no longer rears up and you can allow the other to think and say
whatever their ego perceives to be true. 
The separation is all an illusion anyway.  Smile now and see beyond the illusion.  Be the yin while the other plays yang, or
vice versa, and you have made up the whole. 
That is what it is all about—this physical life:  seeing past the illusion and returning to