When you encounter one who is fully asleep, meaning they are ignorant of the purpose of life and Who they are, they may provoke your human instincts.  You may wish to lash back in response to their ignorant words and behaviors.  Take a breath.  You have an expression:  “Do not lower yourself to their level.”  Yes, that is correct:  ignorance  or non-conscious awareness of the soul within leads to lower vibrations.  And so, in that moment of pausing to breathe, raise your vibrations.  Do not do so in superiority as if to say, “I am better than you.”  Instead, do so with gratitude for being aware.  Do so with compassion for those who remain asleep.  Anger or lashing out in kind will do nothing to help the other or yourself.  Say nothing if your attempts at remaining neutral or trying love have no effect.  And then, continue radiating love, but move on.  Your human side will want to rehash the interaction over and over and over.  Give it no power.  It is over.  Now simply BE …. Love.