Things do not turn out as you wish. “But I prayed for this!” you cry. “I wanted it so badly! Why were my prayers not answered?” If you could hear the prayers of the tiny ant at your feet, praying for the strength to climb the hill before it, would you help the ant over the hill if you could see the ant eater lying in wait on the other side?

You do not ever have the big picture. There is always a greater Reality, and the Infinite Living Mind is always at work, orchestrating, guiding, loving …

When things do not go as you wish, relax. Could it be that some obstruction lies beyond the next hill, and not the treasure you imagine? When you find yourself going in a new direction, know that when you accept that all is in perfect order always, it is ever so much easier to simply go with the flow. To get into the flow, realize that you are spirit first and foremost, and that without the Great Spirit you would not even breathe. Strive to bring your will into harmony with that of Spirit, and then you will experience how the flow of life becomes far easier.