Peace is a gift—a glittering treasure like a golden coin you find buried in the sand. You pick it up and think, “Oh, look what I have found! I am so lucky!” But this gift of peace lies hidden within you always. It is part of the game of life that you do search for it and find it. The grains of sand of your life blow back and forth, oft times burying your peace in giant drifts, but always it lies waiting to be uncovered. You find it, then the wind blows again and covers it up.
When will you learn to not let the winds affect you? This is a learned skill, and again, it is the reason you have come here: to learn not to be buffeted by every breeze, but to stand firmly and hold onto your treasure—your inner peace … to stand in the calm eye in any storm, looking outward and knowing that you are not part of the storm, but merely an observer of it.
Funny thing about peace … the more of it you experience, the stronger it grows as you come to realize that no storm, no wind, can truly hurt you, for you ARE the peace you seek.