Today the message is peace.  Not the peace that comes when two warring factions decide to no longer attack each other.  That is peace, but of the temporary kind.  An agreement to no longer fight is far from the divine internal peace of which we speak to you today.  That kind of peace is like a pot of water on a stove set at simmer.  It can easily reach a boil once again with just a little more heat born of misunderstanding or disagreement.

The peace we speak of today does not rise and fall with the temperature.  It simply is.  And how do you find it?  By shifting your awareness beyond the stove, beyond the temperature dial, beyond the one moving the dial.  Who or what is beyond the one you think of as you who reaches out to turn up the heat or turn it down?  When you have the answer to that question, you will have gone a step closer to finding true peace.  Go find that aspect of Self.  Go find that pure awareness.  In pure awareness, beyond the act, beyond the story, peace is there, and if it controls the mind that controls the hand that reaches out to turn up the heat or turn it down, then in some way you are part of It and It is part of you, and therefore peace is your birthright.