Imagine you’re a shining star
Shining down from oh so far.
Twinkle, twinkle, oh so bright
Lighting up the sky at night.
You’re one of billions,

Yet you shine for all to see
What is it that makes you say,

“Oh, please, please look at me!”
There is a part that beckons you to put on such a show.
To call attention to that which makes you glow
So shine, bright star, please turn it up
So many need to see
That it’s all right to set afire
The light that makes you “Me.”

When it comes to shining your light, many of you run and
hide, afraid to be seen.  That is ego at
the helm.  He knows that if your true
light were to be revealed, he would be eclipsed.  You see, ego is not all about vanity and
boasting.  Ego is also the part of you
that holds you back from realizing how magnificent you are.  You are a shining star.  Be not afraid to turn up the light and dispel
the darkness yourself.  In so doing, you
help others as well.  So shine on, dear
one.  It is your birthright.