Beware of your “if/then” clauses. 
They represent threats to another and to your relationships.  Why? 
Because they stand for conditions. 
“If you do or do not do this, then I will…”  “If he or she …” 

Why must another do or not do anything in order for you to love them?  Most certainly, if one does something to harm
you, then there is reason to take action. 
However, we ask you to examine other thoughts and actions of those
around you upon which you place conditions. 
Can you allow them to be themselves and still love them?  IF so, THEN you are learning the power of
unconditional love.   It is never really
about what another does, but about how much you love yourself.  Can you come from the heart no matter
what?  Walk away if a relationship is
unhealthy, but in all cases, compassion and understanding come from a place of
no if/thens.